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Monday, June 11, 2012

The Last Month ...

My blogging regularity is very poor!  I tell myself I'll attempt a weekly blog and then I don't even get a monthly blog in ... so I won't promise anything - you will just have to take them as they come.

Our house is SOLD, settled, cleaned and vacated.  A VERY big step in the beginning of our journey.   Although, when does a journey really begin?  I believe life is one total journey and there aren't any real beginnings - just lots of turns, tracks and paths.  Our family, our businesses, de-cluttering our home, selling is all integrated in being a part of the next phase in our lives.  As is where we are living now ... my parents in Hornsby Heights.

We have been in Hornsby for a month, in a medium sized, three bedroom home.  Eight people co-habitating together and surprisingly or not - quite peacefully!  I have to say I think generational living is how it was meant to be.  Raising a family in the traditional way with hubby at work all day and mum at home with the children can be quite draining, stressful and tiring, but with the help of the grandparents full time it has been so much easier as we share jobs and responsibilities.  It is not only more helpful for me (the mother) but also a great experience for the children, to bond further with their grandparents and enjoy each others company.

Vivid Sydney
What have we been doing this last month?  I've been acquainting myself with Hornsby Westfield (quite a maze of a shopping centre), our eldest with Hornsby Library and the younger three with the park at the top of our street.  We took a trip to Sydney for Vivid Sydney and battled the crowds, we're finishing off reading the Narnia series books so we can take a visit to the Power House Museum for the Narnia Exhibition - trying to make the most of being in Sydney.  

We've also caught up with a few friends up the coast and I should mention here I also managed to totally cook our engine on one of those journeys.  Therefore Stephen as spent his time building our trailer AND fitting a reconditioned engine to the patrol this time adding an "engine watch dog"(keeps an accurate watch on the engine temperature and has an alarm when too hot).  And yes, as everyone has mentioned - better now than later - having it happen while we are out in the sticks somewhere.  I think Stephen would have preferred it didn't happen at all - but we carry on, build on and hopefully SOON we start our new path on our journey and head north to Cape York before the wet season begins.

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