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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Barrington Focus

Last weekend we visited our favourite camping place at Barrington - Camp Cobark. We took photographer, Glenn McKimmin with us. The purpose of the weekend was to find great photography locations for a photography workshop.... and that we did! There were so many great locations - too many to fit into one workshop! We scampered down the scrub, explored private properties, stood in the middle of rivers, jumped fences, got up at 5am all in the name of art!

Glenn had a great eye for detail and picking a great location - many of which I have driven past many a time and never noticed as a great photo opportunity. It was such a blast taking photos alongside someone of such experience and knowledge - thankfully he is a very patient man.

What are some of the things I learned?

Make sure your alarm doesn't turn off when you place it under your pillow so not too wake the kids at 5am! (I've never bounced out of bed so fast - I was standing in a paddock taking photos - 10 minutes ago I was fast asleep in bed)

Carry a compass in your camera bag - it is very handy to know where the sun will rise or set

Splash the exposed rocks in the river so they aren't so "bright" in your photo

Not all "pretty" locations will make a great shot... there is SO much more to consider - light, back ground, fore ground, lines etc

I'm really looking forward to the workshop we have planned in March. Glenn has a wealth of knowledge and I think we have put together a fantastic itinerary that will ensure every participant will get loads of great shots, heaps of new and relevant hands on experience, tuition and perhaps a touch of exhaustion - but it will be way worth it!!