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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter camping .... will it rain?

All camper trailers are now booked for Easter. It is always a very popular time to go camping. We never camp then as we have no camper trailers available but we do try to take a break over the school holiday period.

Hopefully this year will be a dry Easter, as most Easters since we have owned this business have been WET! Rain never seemed to bother us 4 years ago, but now we are very conscious of the weather, where it is raining and when. I think I have learnt to stop stressing when I hear the rain pour down as most customers return with their trailer and let us know that it actually didn't rain where they were or it wasn't much or better still that it did rain and they stayed dry!!!

We have unfortunately had the odd customer get wet. This annoys us as we try to keep the tents water proof and in good condition. We have learnt that cleaning the tents seems to affect the water proofing, so now if we have had to bleach a tent we also water proof it afterwards. Occasionally it is user error. It is important to keep the run off sections of the tent at a good angle to stop water pooling on the tent roof or awning roof. If the water pools it will definitely start to seep in eventually.

Some people like to do the tarp thing of the tent. This guarantees a dry tent and can also make the tent cooler. We have never put a tarp over the trailers and have unfortunately been in torrential rain. We have remained mostly dry with only the odd drip after a few days of constant rain - which I feel is too be expected under any form of canvas. The only thing is that after a few days everything starts to feel quite damp... this can't be helped and is inevitable.

Camping in the rain is never much fun, but sometimes it can't be helped and you try to make the most of it and hope and pray the rain will stop before pack up time!