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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Photo Shoot for Camper Trailer Magazine

Glenworth Valley, on the Central Coast was the location for a photo shoot with Carlisle Rogers from Camper Trailer Australia Magazine. Complete Campsite will be on the front cover with their 2009 Nomad Camper Trailer. We were lucky enough to tag along and be apart of the shoot with our kids and two of their friends.

Glenworth Valley is a great camping location, so close to home! There is horse riding, quad bike riding, canoeing, absailing etc. You camp along the river and are allowed to have camp fires, which is always a bonus! There is also a brand new amenities block built up on the hill, not too close to the camping yet close enough for convenience.

All the kids had a go on the rope swing while waiting to be models for the photos and enjoyed their moments of "Stardom".

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