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Monday, August 22, 2011

Becoming a Reality ....

Friday saw the big delivery arrive ... the suspension plus related parts for the build of our new home!  The awaited truck arrives out the front, I quickly text Stephen with the news, open the door and the delivery man says "where's your fork lift?".  I give a "you've got to be joking" look, he gives the same look back as we stare at the pallet on his truck holding 120kg of metal.

We discuss having to pick up our delivery from Toronto, if we have any neighbours who are strong and able, what the builders would say up the street if we went and asked for their assistance.  The driver was kind and thankfully strong and we undid the straps (which I will admit that I first fetched him a kitchen knife to cut them before realising they were metal straps which required pliers - big female moment!!)  Again, the driver was kind enough to make me feel better by saying his Misses would have done the same.

So after some unloading and sliding a 100kg frame off his truck onto the grass we now have the beginnings of the new camper trailer to compliment the only part we already had - the hitch.  So now the suspension, brakes, hubs, bearings, hitch, water tank are in our drive.  Metal that has been purchased has now been bent and we are almost ready to begin assembly.

I will do a blog at a later date when I can sit Stephen down and actually write about specifications etc for those that are interested in the finer details ...

Talking of finer details ... I went to the 30% off everything sale at Spotlight last week and picked up a beautiful doona cover for our camp doona and some for the kids doonas which we will use on our trip too ... I'll put up photos later.


  1. Good to hear about the really interesting stuff at the end - the soft furnishings! :-)
