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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Garage Sale ... Clearing Out

The other weekend we had our second garage sale ever.  I think with our trip in mind and the fact we plan to empty our house in about 6 months time this garage sale was far more successful than our first.  I spent about three weeks prior emptying book shelves, display cabinet, office drawers, kitchen cupboards - therefore we had plenty to sell!  The kids got involved including our eldest with her good friend who made an entire table of their toys and donated items with 100% of their profits going to Samaritan's Purse.  They raised over $100 and will donate for a water filter and make a few boxes for the Christmas gift donations.

Our place is looking a little emptier which gives me delight, some books have already gone to Mum and Dad's to be stored and the battle is on to not refill the space!  Focus is required to keep going with the clear out, not accumulate stuff and prioritise on what we actually need to keep.

It is not that surprising that so much of the things in our homes are not needed, many don't even hold sentimental value - it just somehow gets in, takes space and maybe one day we'll use it.  Sometimes we don't even realise it is there, until we start going through the drawers and cupboards.  One example to the horror of  my neighbour helping me sort one day was my college bag - stored under my bed still full of what ever it was I took to college on my last day!!  That has sat there untouched for 10 years!!!

The garage is another story - those that know us well know what I'm talking about.  Let's just say it is full of "useful" items to the point of "enter at your own risk" and even after our clear out ... well - it is still a danger zone.  Maybe if we have another garage sale before we go there will be some very interesting tools, car parts and gadgets.

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