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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas by the beach

It's now the 9th Jan and all Christmas presents have arrived.  I wanted to get the kids all a DVD and ordered some online.  Most came in the time frame and the one I paid extra for and was promised to arrive ... didn't.  Thankfully it was the girls that had to wait and not the younger boys, who may not quite have coped with the idea.  Also a thank you to Auntie Dot who sent some great plastic bag (BPA free) drink "bottles".  Once empty they are light and take up no room.

Our plan was to keep Christmas simple with small gifts and great food.  We bought some prawns from the man at the park, I was after a pork to roast but since the pork at IGA was from the mainland we went for a local chicken with feta, spinach, pine-nuts wrapped in bacon from a local Tasmanian company.  We had tried their bacon before which was the best!

Last year I made my first Christmas pudding which was a HUGE success (gluten free of course).  I wanted to make another one.  The local health food shop had the dried fruit, the grog shop a small bottle of brandy and a few spices at IGA.  Left to soak for a while I steamed it in the camp oven over the fire on Christmas eve while we cooked our roast.

I have to say our Hillbilly camp ovens we've had for many years are fantastic.  Camp cooking is a favourite past time of ours and pulling something amazing out of it brings us much satisfaction.  Christmas eve was no exception.  The roast was sensational, the pudding lovely.

Christmas morning was fun with the kids checking out their little pressies that were deposited the night before in spare pillow cases.  Lollies, chocolates and fudge were consumed before breakfast - the kids bought their Christmas presents for everyone from the local choc-o-lolly shop.

After the sugar fest it was local raspberries and yoghurt for breakfast, a cold lunch of leftover roast, salads and prawns with leftovers with ham and sushi rolls for dinner!  The day was not entirely about food, we took a quick swim and a long stroll up the beach until we feared the tide had come in and maybe our towels and boogie board we had left on the beach may have been washed away.  The quicker paced return trip revealed all was ok :-)

Christmas 2012 was a very different Christmas for us.  We've always spent Christmas with our extended family whom we spoke with over the phone.  We did miss everyone but it was also a lovely day for us.  Quiet, peaceful and full of thankfulness for what Christmas is all about - the birth of Jesus that brought grace and love as never seen before on this earth.  Oh and of course food - we love good food!
Cooking the roast & pudding
The roast!
Sunset Christmas Eve
Christmas lunch spread
Christmas morning

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